「HANASAKU NEWS just a click!」4

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Hello everyone I’m Naru! This time of 「HANASAKU NEWS just a click!」4th one’s guest is NEUPANE SANGITA from Nepal!! She is staying our school since last Apr.




N: You almost spend 1 year in Japan, how is your Japanese skill?

S: I could just read Hiragana and Katakana, when I was in Nepal. After I came to here I could speak Japanese normally daily conversation, that’s why I’m enjoying class of conversation.

N: What is your point to get skill of Japanese?

S: I’m going to upper level class soon, and the class level is harder than now. I like conversation class and grammar class so I try to raise my Japanese skill. I know it is hard to me but I also try to pass N1 until my graduation because open the door to possibility to go to university in Japan.



N: I think you can speak Japanese well, do you have any opportunities to speak outside of the school?

S: I’m working at Italian restaurant and stuffs are all Japanese expect me, so I must speak only Japanese and the place also raises my speaking skill.

N: Do you have any situations as uncomfortable in Japan?

S: I don’t have. I was just confused about different rules between Nepal and Japan however teachers and stuff of Hanasaku were keeping to teach me very kindly, so I could be settle soon. School location is near the Omiya St, so I can go to Ikebukuro easily and I also can catch up with my friends.



S: I think Hanasaku Language School is good one because we can practice how to make conversation in Japanese naturally. That means we can learn not only like the example sentence by text, so we can speak with Japanese people in real. If you want to live or think about life and future in Japan, Hanasaku could be suiting your demand school.

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